Cousin Cosmo Settles Down and Reveals A New Generation

New discoveries in the family line have been been rare this year. I have quite a few documents that I’ve discovered that I haven’t fully investigated to find new bits of info, and many leads through that I haven’t explored. This morning, however, I took some time take a…

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Grandpa Marco

Digging through more records on a cold and wet Saturday afternoon, I was able to learn more about a GGGG-grandfather and confirm yet another GGGGG-grandfather, namely Marco Maucione. And once again it’s due to my 4xg-aunt getting married. My ggg-grandmother was Felicia Maucione. She had a younger sister, Catterina, who…

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A New Grandfather

Today I tracked down a document that provided me with the name of my GGGGG-Grandfather, Crescenzio Tancredi, who lived from the mid 1700s to early 1800s, in Castelluccia in the province known then as Principato Citeriore. This was in the Kingdom of Naples, and a year before the date of…

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